Monday 28 November 2016

Week 10 - Relationship Constraints

This week we looked at object relationships and how they can be used to link objects together.

Point constraints

These are a good way to keep a certain distance between objects or to get one object to follow another without animating both. If an object is constrained to two different objects it will calculate the difference between them (see image).

Aim Constraints

I think these types of constraints are the ones I will be using most in my animation if I decide to use them. These allow and object to track another objects movement and 'look' at that object. I set up a quick system where one sphere is following a motion path and the cylinder is tracking that sphere.

One way I will most likely use this is for camera tracking on moving objects, a couple of my scenes in my animation require the camera to track a ships movement, this is a perfect way to do just that.

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