Friday 9 December 2016

Creating the scene - Skydome/Asteroids


The skydome was pretty straight forward, I used a sphere, inverted the texture mesh and applied a space/stars texture to it. One problem i did have however is that the picture quality was decreased in quality due to the size of the skydome, to fix this i tiled the texture using the hypershade window and this increased the quality without looking like a repeating texture.


Firstly to get the shape of the asteroid I created 5 cubes and smoothed them. I then used the Sculp geometry tool to mould the cubes and then smoothed them out again to get some warped spheres. 
After this I assigned a soft body to the spheres so that each vertex is attached to a particle and then I could move the particles and it would move the geometry for me (to get a rocky type texture). 

I then added a turbulence field, played the animation to a point where I liked the deformation and then deleted the particles and turbulence so I had a nicer shape. After this I repeated the step again but set the attenuation to 0 so that each object would recieve an equal amount of deformation in all directions. This gave me a very rocky type look to the object which is what I wanted.

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