Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Week 6 - Materials Part 2

This week was more on materials and fixing the problem we had last week with the image not wrapping properly to certain objects.

Projection Mapping

This is a really good way to apply textures to an object and they will wrap around the object based on what shape it is. This is going to be very useful when I am adding textures to my models as it will make sure that the texture fits correctly.

Planar Mapping
I also tried out using a Planar mapping on the sphere and got an interesting result, It seemed to map the texture straight onto the object instead of wrapping around, I preferred this setting to the spherical wrapping but on most spherical models you want to texture to wrap all the way round and not cut off. I will be playing about with them more when I come to texture my models and see which one fits bets to each object.

Mapping Manipulation
I tried out changing the size of the projection using a cube and got some interesting results, I noticed the texture wrapped around the object and stretched to fit the edges, This could be useful but could also hinder me when texturing my models as it could make the object look distorted.

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