Monday, 12 December 2016

Creating the Scene - Sun


I started by creating a sphere and adding a lambert texture to it, I then changed the colour to black and added a fractal to the incandescent and gave it an orange tint.


I then decided to add some movement/animation to the sun to give it a bit more of a realistic feel. To do this I added a new expression to the time value to add movement to the texture over time and then added a randomise expression to the threshold value to change the colour and brightness of the sun over time. The expression I used smoothly randomises the range of the value between 0 and 1. I randomised the value around 0.25 as that is what my threshold value was by default then divided it by 10 since 0.1 is 1/10 you can divide the whole expression by 10 to make it randomise between 0 and 0.1.

Partical effects

I tried to add particles to the sun to make solar flares coming out of it but this was very heavily intensive on the render time and framerate of the scene so i decided not to do this in the end.

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