Monday 24 October 2016

Week 5 - Materials Part 1

This practical was all about materials:

Specular - This is a good way to get a metal type look to your models, it will be very useful in some of my star wars models as there are many metal parts on some of them.

Bitmap - An easy way to add images to your objects, this can come in useful later if I find nicce textures for parts of my models however some of the textures do not quite fit around some objects, we will learn more about this later.

Bump Mapping - I will most likely use this to add extra details to my models such as the wings of my TIE fighter.

Displacement Mapping - This added much more depth and detail to the object however it does not always look as nice as bump mapping and the materials do not always end up where you want them (see below).

The hypershade window is very good for looking at all your materials and will be extremely useful when texturing my main models.

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