Welcome to my blog!
Here i will be posting the progress on a Star Wars animation i am working on including ideas I have, inspirations i have come across and any other updates.
Whats the animation going to be about?
My idea for the animation is a Phoenix home (Rebel alliance ship) will be ambushed by a few TIE fighters who will appear from behind an asteroid, a hero X-wing will then come from the phoenix home and chase the attackers through a field of asteroids, dodging the astroids and destroying the TIE fighters.
Ships to be used
These are some of the ships i wanted to use, ideally i wanted to have a mix of all of them but due to time constraints I have chosen to go with just 3, the TIE fighter, Phoenix home and the X-Wing. I may also add the star destroyer if I have time.
I will add more blogs as I continue to work on the project.